Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 11/21/2016
Full Council 11/21/2016

Agenda: Public Comment, items relating to the 2017/2018 Proposed Budget and 2017-2022 Proposed Capital Improvement Program.  CB 118842, CB 118843, CF 314360, CF 314361, CB 118827, CB 118829, CB 118830, CB 118855, CB 118847, CB 118848, CB 118838, CB 118836, CB 118835, CB 118841, CB 118850, CB 118844, CB 118834, Res 31718, CB 118864, CB 118826, CB 118840, CB 118825, CB 118833, CB 118845, CB 118831, CB 118832, Res 31717, Res 31720, CB 118856, CB 118846, CB 118839, CB 118837, CB 118851, CF 314362, CB 118849, Res 31719.

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Public Comment - 1:30 CB 118842: an ordinance authorizing department acceptance of funding from non-City sources, CB 118843: an ordinance amending Ordinance 124927, which adopted the 2016 Budget - 33:07 CF 314360-1: 2017-18 Proposed Budget, 2017 Proposed Capital Improvement Program - 34:29 CB 118827: relating to street and sidewalk use, CB 118829: relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation and Vanpool parking permit fees, CB 118830: an ordinance relating to the financing of the Central Waterfront Improvement Program, CB 118855: an ordinance relating to setting new limits on parking rates, CB 118847: an ordinance conditioning the SDOT's 2017 grant applications and repealing Ordinance 118719 - 35:25 CB 118848: an ordinance relating to automated fixed camera revenue, amending Ordinance 124230 and the Seattle Municipal Code, CB 118838: an ordinance relating to the Animal Fee Ordinance, adjusting spaying and neutering fees at the Seattle Animal Shelter Spay and Neuter Clinic, CB 118836: an ordinance increasing the fee for marijuana business licenses, CB 118835: an ordinance relating to pet licensing; adjusting and simplifying cat and dog license fees, CB 118841: an ordinance relating to fees charged by the Seattle Center Department - 38:49 CB 118850: an ordinance relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118844: an ordinance relating to the Smith Cove project and the Capital Fund in the Department of Parks and Recreation - 41:23 CB 118834: an ordinance relating to public outreach and engagement, CB 118864: an ordinance relating to the financing of Equitable Development Implementation Plan projects - 42:33 CB 118826: an ordinance related to fees and charges for permits and activities of the Department of Construction and Inspections and related fees by other departments, CB 118840: an ordinance relating to the electric system of The City of Seattle, CB 118825: an ordinance relating to the municipal water system of The City of Seattle, CB 118833: an ordinance relating to wastewater and drainage services of Seattle Public Utilities - 44:35 CB 118845: an ordinance relating to the organization of City government, CB 118831: an ordinance relating to the Building and Construction Codes, CB 118832: an ordinance relating to the Firefighters' Pension Fund established under chapter 41.16 RCW - 47:00 Res 31717: a resolution adopting revised financial policies for the Emergency Subfund, Res 31720: a resolution establishing a capital project oversight work program for the Budget Committee for 2017, CB 118856: an ordinance relating to the business license tax, CB 118846: an ordinance relating to the Office of City Auditor - 48:42 CB 118839: an ordinance relating to contracting indebtedness, CB 118837: an ordinance relating to the levy of property taxes, CB 118851: an ordinance authorizing the levy of regular property taxes by The City of Seattle for collection in 2017, representing an increase above the regular property taxes levied for collection in 2016 - 53:26 CF 314362: City Council Changes to the 2017-2018 Proposed Budget and the 2017-2022 Proposed Capital Improvement Program, CB 118849: an ordinance adopting a budget, including a capital improvement program and position modifications, for The City of Seattle for 2017, Res 31719: an ordinance endorsing a budget and position modifications for The City of Seattle for 2018 - 55:46

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