Public Affairs Videos

MetroLab Workshop on Big Data & Human Services (afternoon session)
MetroLab Workshop on Big Data & Human Services (afternoon session)

This workshop, hosted by City of Seattle, MetroLab Network, and the University of Washington, convened experts from local government and universities to discuss common challenges and propose collaborative, data-driven solutions to human service issues.

00:00 Overview of Afternoon Ben Levine - Executive Director, MetroLab Network

12:22 Kevin Merritt - Founder & CEO, Socrata

20:35 Keynote: Urban Data Science and Policy Amen Ra Mashariki - Chief Analytics Officer, Office of Data and Analytics (MODA) NYC

57:15 Case Study: Predicting Homelessness in NYC Adeen Flinker - Post Doctoral Fellow, NYU

1:23:10 Keynote: Urban Data Science and Policy Tom Schenk Jr. - Chief Data Officer, City of Chicago

1:58:44 Data and Human Services: A City Perspective Adam Petkun - Data and Policy Advisor, Mayor's Innovation Team; Erin Dalton - Deputy Director, Office of Data Analysis Research and Evaluation, Allegheny County; Loren Raun - Chief Environmental Science Officer, Houston Health Department & Research Faculty, Department of Statistics, Rice University

3:06:10 Closing Keynote: Privacy Responsibility Brendon Lynch - Chief Privacy Officer, Microsoft

More: video of the morning session.


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