Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 2/21/2017
Full Council 2/21/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 118914: relating to land use and zoning, Res 31732: recognizing the University District Urban Design Framework, Res 31733: requesting evaluation of residential displacement, Res 31734: adopting Statements of Legislative Intent, CB 118916: relating to the financing of affordable housing, CB 118917: relating to the City Treasury, Appointments to the Landmark Preservation Board and Seattle Park District, CB 118912: relating to the City Light Department and the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118903: relating to Seattle Public Utilities, Appointment to Seattle Women's Commission, Res 31736: relating to the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Appointment to Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee, Res 31737: requesting Congress to allocate funding to adequately address the maintenance needs of the National Park System.


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