Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 5/8/2017
Full Council 5/8/2017

Agenda: Public Comment, Committee Reports, Res 31746: supporting the bid of The City of Seattle to host the National League of Cities 2021/2024 City Summit conference, CB 118949: amending a prior ordinance which adopted the 2016 Budget, CB 118950 and CB 118952: amending prior ordinances which adopted the 2017 Budget, CB 118951: authorizing, in 2017, acceptance of funding from non-City sources, CB 118961: relating to funding for housing and community development programs, CB 118962: relating to housing for low-income households, CB 118964: allowing the United States to use and occupy space at the Fort Lawton Army Reserve, Res 31744: relating to the Seattle Sister Cities Program, Appointments to the Families and Education Levy Oversight Committee, International Special Review District Board, and Construction Codes Advisory Board, CB 118956: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation, CB 118957: relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceeds, Res 31749: amending a prior resolution.


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