Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 7/24/17
Full Council 7/24/17

Agenda: Public Comment, CB 119032: related to City public works and the priority hire program, CB 118984: relating to the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, CB 119024: relating to funding for housing and community development programs, CB 119026: relating to property at Sand Point, Appointments, CB 119021: relating to the reconstruction of Alaskan Way, CF 314349: Application of Capitol Hill Housing to rezone property, CB 119028: relating to land use and zoning, CB 119004: relating to land use and zoning - downtown, CB 118980: relating to land use and zoning - Mount Baker Town Center, CB 118981: relating to land use and zoning - 23rd and Cherry, CB 118982: related to land use and zoning - 23rd and Union, CB 118983: related to land use and zoning - 23rd and Jackson, Res 31752: 23rd Avenue Action Plan, CB 119031: amending ordinance 125205, Res 31761: relating to the Roosevelt RapidRide Project, Res 31755: relating to the 2005 Transportation Strategic Plan Update.


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