Public Affairs Videos

Full Council 4/9/2018
Full Council 4/9/2018

Agenda: Presentations; Public Comment; Payment of Bills; Appt 00940: Appointment of Lily M. Wilson-Codega as Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations; Res 31808: Resolution relating to the for-hire transportation industry; CF 314274: Relating to a full unit lot subdivision application; CB 119230: Relating to ordinance approving and confirming the plat of "Madrona Glen;" CB 119200: Ordinance relating to land use and zoning; Appointments and Reappointments; CB 119229: Ordinance relating to Sound Transit; CB 119224: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department; CB 119225: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department and the City's 2030 Challenge High Performance Existing Building Pilot; Appointment. 


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