Select Budget Committee

The purpose of the Budget Committee is to deliberate and review the Mayor's proposed budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP), make changes as appropriate, to adopt a final Budget and CIP.

Select Budget Committee 9/26/18 Session II
Select Budget Committee 9/26/18 Session II

Agenda: Seattle City Light (SCL); Seattle Public Utilities (SPU); Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT); Public Comment.

Meeting continued from 9/26/18 morning session.


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Select Budget Committee 9/26/18 Session II

Agenda: Seattle City Light (SCL); Seattle Public Utilities (SPU); Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT); Public Comment.

Meeting continued from 9/26/18 morning session.

Select Budget Committee 4/30/18

Agenda: Chair's Report; Introductory Comments; Revenue Forecast Update; Public Comment.

Select Budget Committee - Public Hearing - 12/6/17

Agenda: Chair's Report; Public Comment; CB 119158: relating to funding for housing and community development programs; CB 119152: pertaining to the fund structure of the City Treasury; CB 119153: amending Ordinance 125475, which adopted the 2018 Budget; CB 119156: amending Ordinance 125207, which adopted the 2017 Budget; CB 119157: funding from non-City sources.

Select Budget Committee 11/20/17

Agenda: Public Comment, Chair's Report, Approval of Agenda, Budget Actions, Budget Legislation.

Select Budget Committee 11/15/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment, Chair's Report, Approval of the Agenda, Discussion and vote of the Select Budget Committee Chair's revised proposed package, Employee Hours Tax Replacement Group (continues in 11/15/17 afternoon session).

Select Budget Committee 11/15/17 Session II

Agenda: (Continued from 11/15/17 morning session) Other Appropriations and Statements of Legislative Intent, Legislation.

Select Budget Committee 11/14/17

Agenda: Public Comment, Chair's Report, Staff Overview of Changes to Initial Balancing Package, Approval of the Agenda, Employee Hours Tax, Other Appropriations and Statements of Legislative Intent, Legislation.

Select Budget Committee 11/7/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment (part I of IV); Discussion of proposed changes to the Committee Chair's Initial Balancing Package - Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), Office of Sustainability and the Environment (OSE), Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS), Department of Neighborhoods (DON), Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR), Seattle Department of Human Resources (SDHR), Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD), Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI), Office of Economic Development (OED), Seattle Fire Department (SFD), Seattle Police Department (SPD), Community Police Commission (CPC), Office of Housing (OH); Public Comment (part II of IV).  

Select Budget Committee 11/7/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment (part III of IV); Discussion of proposed changes to the Committee Chair's Initial Balancing Package - Homelessness Emergency Response, Human Services Department (HSD), Employee Hours Tax (EHT), Hearing Examiner, Office of City Auditor (OCA), Law Department (LAW), Seattle Municipal Court (SMC), Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS), City Budget Office (CBO); Public Comment (part IV of IV). 

Select Budget Committee Public Hearing 11/1/17

The Seattle City Council Budget Committee will conduct three public hearings. The first hearing will solicit public comment on the Seattle Asian Art Museum Renovation, and will begin at 5:30 p.m. The second hearing will solicit public comment on the Parks Central Waterfront Piers Rehabilitation Project, and will begin at 5:40 p.m. or at the conclusion of the first hearing. The third hearing will solicit public comment on the Mayor's 2018 Proposed Budget and 2018-2023 Proposed Capital Improvement Program, and will begin at 5:50 p.m. or at the conclusion of the second hearing.

Select Budget Committee 10/31/17

Agenda: Public Comment (Part I of II); Initial Balancing Package; Public Comment (Part II of II).

Select Budget Committee 10/25/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment; Budget Action Proposals: Human Services Department (HSD), Homelessness Emergency Response, Office of Housing (OH).

Select Budget Committee 10/25/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment; Budget Action Proposals: Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS), Office of Economic Development (OED), Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE), Office of Intergovernmental Relations (OIR), Law Department (LAW), Legislative Branch - Office of Hearing Examiner, Office of City Auditor (OCA), Legislative Department (LEG), Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), Other Items of Business.

Select Budget Committee 10/24/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment; Budget Action Proposals: Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT),  Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), Seattle City Light (SCL), Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD), Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI), Office of Labor Standards (OLS), Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA), Seattle Department of Human Resources (SDHR), Seattle Public Library (SPL).

Select Budget Committee 10/24/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment; Budget Action Proposals: Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR),  Department of Neighborhoods (DON), Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS), Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR), Seattle Municipal Court (SMC), Seattle Fire Department (SFD), Seattle Police Department (SPD), Office of Police Accountability (OPA), Community Police Commission (CPC), Office of Inspector General (OIG).

Select Budget Committee 10/17/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment, Human Services Department (HSD) Budget Deliberation, Homelessness Emergency Response Budget Deliberation, Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) Proceeds Budget Deliberation*.

*Note: Item 3 was delayed until afternoon budget session

Select Budget Committee 10/17/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment, Sweetened Beverage Tax (SBT) Proceeds Budget Deliberation (held over from morning session), Seattle Police Department (SPD) Budget Deliberation, Police Accountability Budget Deliberation, Cross-Cutting and Other Issues Budget Deliberation.

Select Budget Committee 10/16/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Budget Deliberation.

Select Budget Committee 10/16/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment, Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Budget Deliberation, Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) Budget Deliberation.

Select Budget Committee 10/13/17 Session I

Agenda: Public Comment; Introduction to Budget Deliberations; Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) Budget Deliberation; Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection (SDCI) Budget Deliberation; Seattle Center Budget Deliberation.

Select Budget Committee 10/13/17 Session II

Agenda: Public Comment; Department of Neighborhoods (DON) and Neighborhood Matching Fund (NMF) Budget Deliberation; Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Budget Deliberation.

Select Budget Committee Public Hearing 10/5/17

The Select Budget Committee will conduct a public hearing to solicit public comment on: (1) the City's 2018 General Revenue Sources, including a possible property tax levy increase; and (2) the Mayor's 2018 Proposed Budget and 2018-2023 Proposed Capital Improvement Program.

Select Budget Committee 9/28/17

Agenda: Context Setting; Revenue Update; Overview of the Mayor's 2018 Proposed Budget; Public Comment.

Select Budget Committee 9/20/17 Session I

Agenda: City Budget Overview, Capital Improvement Program Overview, Seattle Department of Transportation Budget Background.

Select Budget Committee 9/20/17 Session II

Agenda: Human Services Department Budget Background, Seattle Police Department Budget Background, Public Comment.