City Council
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Selection of Community Organization to Host Public Forum; Selection of City Council Vacancy Position 8 Finalists; Adjournment.
City Council Special Meeting 1/22/2024
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Selection of Community Organization to Host Public Forum; Selection of City Council Vacancy Position 8 Finalists; Adjournment.
City Council 1/16/2024
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120739: Appropriating money and ordering payment; Committee Reports; CF 314400: Application to rezone property; City Council: CB 120737: Amending Seattle Municipal Code to rezone property and accepting Property Use and Development Agreement; Executive Session; Adjournment.
City Council Special Meeting 1/12/2024
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment; Selection of Community Organization to Host Public Forum; Selection of City Council Vacancy Position 8 Finalists; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of the Agenda, Executive Session.
City Council 1/9/2024
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Committee Reports; Items Removed from Consent Calendar; Res: 32125: Resolution relating to 2024 and 2025 Intergovernmental and City of Seattle Committees; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 1/2/24
Agenda: Election of 2024-2025 Council President; Oath of Office for newly elected Councilmembers; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Committee Reports; Items removed from the Consent Calendar; Adoption of Other Resolutions; Other Business: Overview of Appointment Process for City Council Vacancy of Council Position #8; Adjournment.
City Council 12/12/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Appointment of Gülgün Kayim as Director of the Office of Arts & Culture; Appointment of Jenifer Chao as Director of the Department of Neighborhoods; CB 120729: Relating to historic preservation of Elephant Car Wash Sign; CB 120730: Relating to City of Seattle employment and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 27 AFL-CIO-CLC; CB 120731: Relating to City of Seattle employment and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 77; Res 32120: Relating to City of Seattle’s 2024 State Legislative Agenda; Appointments and reappointments to Design Review Board, Landmarks Preservation Board, Seattle Center Advisory Commission; CB 120652: Relating to taxicabs and for-hire vehicles; CB 120653: Relating to taxicabs and for-hire vehicles; CB 120656: Relating to interlocal agreement with King County to regulate for-hire transportation; CB 120718: Relating to regulating greenhouse gas emissions in larger existing nonresidential and multifamily buildings; CB 120674: Relating to procedure for expiration and renewal of Master Use Permits; CB 120675: Relating to land use and Duwamish Manufacturing Industrial Center (MIC) east of Airport Way S.; Res 32097: Resolution on movement of people and goods in Seattle’s industrial and maritime areas; CB 120719: Relating to utility easements near Magnolia; CB 120643: Relating to commercial tenancies; CB 120712: Relating to new appointment terms for the Central Waterfront Oversight Committee; CB 120658: Relating to sidewalks construction and pedestrian mobility improvements; Res 32119: Relating to designation of South Mount Baker Boulevard as “Cheryl Chow Boulevard”; Items removed from the Consent Calendar; Adoption of Other Resolutions - Res 32121: Relating to retiring introduced and referred Council Bills, Resolutions, Clerk Files, and Appointments that have received no further action; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 12/5/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Appointment of Cali Mortenson Ellis, as Executive Director of the Seattle Community Police Commission; CB 120714: relating to the transfer of City real property for housing development; CB 120709: relating to City employment, commonly referred to as the Fourth Quarter 2023 Employment Ordinance; CB 120720: relating to City employment; authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between The City of Seattle and the Seattle Police Officers’ Guild; Res 32117: relating to the 2023 Housing Levy Oversight Committee; Appointments to the Housing Levy Oversight Committee; Res 32116: relating to the City’s annual budget process; CB 120716: relating to the establishment of a Fiscal Transparency Program; CB 120717: relating to human services contracts; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 11/21/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; CB 120635: amending the Seattle Comprehensive Plan to incorporate changes related to a transportation impact fee program; CB 120706: relating to the regulation of network companies, imposing license and fee requirements on network companies; CB 120701: relating to the Seattle Department of Transportation, limits on parking rates at parking payment devices; CB 120683: relating to contracting indebtedness; CB 119950: relating to taxation; Res 32114: establishing City Council’s intent to fund the Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System; CB 120708: adopting a City of Seattle 2024 budget; CB 120693: relating to the levy of property taxes; CB 120695: authorizing the levy of regular property taxes; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of Other Resolutions: Res 32118: condemning the Israeli military assault on the people of Gaza; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 11/7/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; CF 314474: Application of Acer House, LLC, for a contract rezone; CF 314513: Application of Andrew Kluess to rezone a parcel of land; CB 120697: Relating to land use and zoning; CB 120696: Relating to land use and zoning; Public Hearing; CB 120635: Ordinance relating to Seattle Comprehensive Plan and transportation impact fees; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 10/24/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Appointments to Payroll Tax Oversight Committee; CB 120677: Seattle Department of Transportation railway franchise; CB 120668: funding for housing and community development programs, adopting the 2024-2028 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 10/10/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; CB 120644: Seattle Parks and Recreation and work at the Duwamish Waterway Park site; CB 120669: relating to funding from non-City sources; Res 32112: intent to raise police accountability proposals in the Seattle Police Management Association (SPMA) 2024 contract renewal; Res 32111: intent to recognize seismic retrofit of unreinforced masonry buildings; CB 120661: Seattle Public Utilities - updating the Solid Waste Code to establish an administrative enforcement process using notices of violation; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other Business; Adjournment.
City Council 9/26/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of Consent Calendar; Appointment of Marshall Foster to Director of Seattle Center; CB 120644: Relating to Seattle Parks work at the Duwamish Waterway Park; CB 120648: Relating to Seattle Parks and property at 9200 18th Ave SW; CB 120664: Relating to Bell St. Park, Occidental Square, Pioneer Square and Westlake Park; CB 120667: Relating to Seattle Parks and Second Amendment to the Easement Agreement; CB 120663: Relating to Department of Finance and Administrative Services and Seattle Fire Department; CB 120666: Relating to Seattle Department of Transportation and Cultural Space Agency; CF 314525: Mayor Bruce Harrell’s Budget Address; CB 120632: Relating to Official Land Use Map; Res 32113: Philippine Human Rights Act resolution; CB 120657: Relating to rates and charges for water services of Seattle Public Utilities; Res 32110: Relating to One Roof Partnership and new world-class Memorial Stadium; Other Business.
City Council 9/19/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120645: relating to controlled substances; CB 120654: elating to City employment, commonly referred to as the Third Quarter 2023 Employment Ordinance; CB 120655: relating to City employment - collective bargaining agreement with United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry Local 32; CB 120634: relating to Ballard Business Improvement Areas; CB 120641: relating to Seattle Tourism Improvement Areas; Res 32108: relating to City Light Department; Res 32109: Seattle Housing Authority - Yesler Terrace Redevelopment Area; Items removed from the Consent Calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 9/12/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Res 32107: requesting the United States Congress and the President pass and sign legislation creating a National Infrastructure Bank; Items removed from the Consent Calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 9/5/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Res 32100: supporting the development of lids across Interstate 5; CB 120625: establishing additional uses for automated traffic safety cameras to increase safety; CB 120638: relating to financial policies for Automated Traffic Safety Camera revenue; CB 120639: relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CF 314496: Petition for alley vacation by the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 8/15/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120615: Ordinance relating to floodplains; Res 32101, Res 32102 and Res 32103: Resolution relating to Ballard Improvement Area (BIA); CB 120636: Ordinance relating to City Light Department and agreement with Whatcom County; CB 120637: Ordinance relating to the City Light Department and electric vehicle charging stations; Adoption of other resolutions: Res 32104, Res 32105, and Res 32106: Resolution relating to Seattle Tourism Improvement Area; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 8/8/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120628: relating to City employment; CB 120623: relating to the Federation Internationale de Football Association’s (FIFA) 2026 World Cup; Res 32096: adopting General Rules and Procedures of the Seattle City Council; CB 120580: relating to app-based worker labor standards; CB 120619: relating to amusement device licenses; CB 120626: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation - Seattle Aquarium; CB 120617: relating to acceptance of funding from non-City sources; CB 120618: amending Ordinance 126725, which adopted the 2023 Budget; CB 120630: relating to funding for housing and community development programs; CB 120611: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - surplus property; CB 120624: relating to Seattle Public Utilities - watermain easement; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 8/1/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Res 32099: establishing the shared City and community goals and strategies of the Future of the Seattle Economy investment agenda as City policy and a critical foundation for economic development work in Seattle; CB 120580: relating to app-based worker labor standards; CB 120606: relating to tenant protections; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 7/25/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Reappointment of Ryan P. Vancil as Hearing Examiner, Office of the Hearing Examiner; CB 120620: lease for the operation of the St. Martin de Porres Shelter; CB 120609: Concession Agreement with Sail Sand Point; CB 120600: establishing additional uses for automated traffic safety cameras and designating restricted racing zones; CB 120613: 300 Pine Street Condominium Association pedestrian skybridge; CB 120614: relating to grant funds from non-City sources; CB 120612: Seattle Public Utilities contracts Cedar Grove Composting, Inc. and Lenz Enterprises, Inc for organic waste processing services; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions: Res 32098: setting the public hearing on the petition of Sound Transit for alley vacation; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 7/18/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Appointment to Seattle Film Commission; CB 120568: Relating to land use and zoning and the Seattle Comprehensive Plan; CB 120567: Relating to updating industrial zones and the Industrial and Maritime Strategy; CB 120569: Relating to rezoned land in the Seattle’s Industrial areas; CB 120570: Relating to provisions for the Industrial Commercial zone; CB 120571: Relating to noise in industrial shorelines; CB 120608: Relating to civilian and community oversight of the police and the Community Police Commission; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 7/11/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120592: relating to land use and zoning; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 7/5/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; CB 120594: Relating to relating to underground utility districts; Res 32095: Relating to cable franchise contract renewal and Comcast Cable; CB 120581: Relating to Design Review for affordable housing; CB 120591: Relating to land use and zoning; CB 120582: Relating to land use and zoning; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 6/27/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Appointment of Scheereen Dedman as City Clerk of the City of Seattle; CB 120520: relating to land use regulation of home occupations; CB 120590: relating to the Waterfront Park and public spaces; CB 120604: relating to the Waterfront Park and public spaces; CF 314494: Council concept approval and waiver or modification of development standards for replacement of Fire Station 31; CF 314499: Council waiver or modification of certain development standards to allow redevelopment of the South Park Community Center; CB120596: relating to the Department of Parks and Recreation; CB 120597: relating to the Department of Finance and Administrative Services; CB 120599: extending the duration of the block-the-box and transit-only lane camera enforcement programs; CB 120595: relating to the Cedar River Municipal Watershed; CB120598: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.
City Council 6/20/23
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of the Introduction and Referral Calendar, Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the Consent Calendar; Appointment of Rico Quirindongo as Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD); CB 120520: relating to land use regulation of home occupations; CB 120587: relating to environmental review; Res 32094: concerning wage equity for non-profit human services workers; Items removed from the consent calendar; Adoption of other resolutions; Other business; Adjournment.