Mayor Videos
Affordable housing providers and housing advocates joined Mayor Bruce Harrell to highlight the City of Seattle’s work in affordable housing and announce recipients of the funding awards for the City’s rental housing and homeownership programs.
Each year, the Seattle Office of Housing celebrates their Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Awards for affordable rental housing by holding an event where they announce funding award recipients. The event shifted this year and changed to an Annual Housing Celebration, where rental housing and homeownership funding awards are announced, as well as accomplishments in our anti-displacement and green energy efforts through our Weatherization and Home Repair programs.
Speakers and attendees include:
Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Maiko Winkler-Chin, Director, Seattle Office of Housing
Estela Ortega, Executive Director, El Centro de la Raza
Joel Ing, Edge Developers
Bilan Aden, African Community Housing & Development
Myron Curry, Seattle mural artist and Clean Heat recipient