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Mobility Innovations: Making integrated mobility hubs a reality in Seattle
Mobility Innovations: Making integrated mobility hubs a reality in Seattle

This kickoff of the Mobility Innovation speaker series focuses on the topic of mobility hubs. Navigating the connections between Seattle's wide range of transit services and shared mobility options can be a challenging endeavor, particularly at major transit facilities. The City of Seattle is partnering with transit agencies and private mobility services to develop a network of shared mobility hubs throughout the city, providing better mobility and integrated transportation choices for all. Learn about this effort, similar efforts throughout North America, and how mobility hubs can transform the travel experience in the future.

Panel includes Seleta Reynolds (General Manager of Los Angeles DOT), David Bragdon (Executive Director of TransitCenter), and Sharon Feigon (Executive Director at the Shared Use Mobility Center). Scott Kubly provides a local voice on SDOT's Shared Mobility Hub program and Ross Reynolds from KUOW moderates the conversation.


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