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Councilmembers Unveil Draft Big Business Tax Legislation
Councilmembers Unveil Draft Big Business Tax Legislation

Councilmembers Kshama Sawant (District 3 - Central Seattle) and Tammy J. Morales (District 2 - South Seattle and Chinatown/International District), alongside community members, unveil their jointly-sponsored draft legislation to tax Amazon and other big businesses to fund social housing, the Green New Deal, and related services. The legislation would raise $300 million by taxing the largest businesses to fund permanently affordable social housing and services, as well as retrofitting existing houses to meet energy efficiency standards of the Green New Deal. 

Speakers include

Councilmember Kshama Sawant, City of Seattle

Councilmember Tammy J. Morales, City of Seattle

Rev. Angela Ying, Bethany United Church of Christ   

Kathy Yasi, SEIU Local 925  

Peter Fink, Univ. of Washington student

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