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Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced today that at least 20 miles of Stay Healthy Streets will become permanent and the construction of bike infrastructure will be accelerated in 2020. In addition, 3 more miles of Stay Healthy Streets will be added in Rainier Valley and 1/3 mile of Beach Drive SW in Alki this weekend. The Mayor also announced that all Regional Parks will now be closing at 8 p.m. to ensure residents do not gather and create a public health risk.
Seattle Park and Recreation would like to reiterate the following guidelines:
- Keep It Moving in parks. Parks are open for running, walking, and biking. Do not come to the park to have a picnic or gathering. If we all keep it moving, more of us can use the park without it getting crowded.
- Stay Home and Stay Local. If you have to get in the car, it's probably too far. Use your back yard, walk in your neighborhood, use a neighborhood Safe Street, or visit your local parks. We have over 485 parks in the city, and over 94% of us live within a 10 min walk to a park.
- Stay home if you are sick, wash your hands frequently, and if you visit a park, make sure that you can give yourself and others six feet of space.
- Motorized boat ramps, tennis courts, basketball courts, play areas, athletic fields (except for walking through), picnic tables/shelters, and other high touch amenities are closed.
- Parking lots remain closed at many popular parks. The goal is to cut down on the crowding that we see at these parks. Lots are closed at: Along Lake Washington Blvd (Adams St, Duck Bay, Ferdinand St, Lower Colman, Mt. Baker Bathhouse, Stan Sayres, Prichard Beach, 49th St), Seward Park, Genesee, Carkeek, Discovery, Golden Gardens, Green Lake, Kubota Gardens, Lincoln, Magnuson Park, Matthews Beach, Riverview, Volunteer, West Seattle Stadium, Woodland, and Atlantic St Boat Ramp (except when UW will be offering their drive-up COVID testing).
- Please visit parks during less popular times. Mornings are typically the least busy times at parks.
Mother's Day is typically one of the busiest days of the year in City parks. This year, socially distancing is critical, and it is imperative to follow the guidelines given to prevent crowding at parks during this holiday.
Mayor Jenny Durkan, City of Seattle
Sam Zimbabwe, Seattle Department of Transportation Director
Jesús Aguirre, Seattle Parks and Recreation
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