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Mayor Harrell signs resolution opposing ballot Initiative 2117
Mayor Harrell signs resolution opposing ballot Initiative 2117

Mayor Bruce Harrell, joined by City leaders and partners, signed Resolution 32149 following its passage in the Seattle City Council. The resolution expresses the City’s opposition to ballot Initiative 2117, an initiative that would repeal Washington’s Climate Commitment Act.

Seattle has been awarded over $26 million in Climate Commitment Act funding to invest in jobs, clean energy, electric vehicle infrastructure, residential energy efficiency, and supporting individuals with instant rebates and energy bill credits. Mayor Harrell will speak to the critical importance of the Climate Commitment Act in reducing climate pollution and health disparities, while investing in infrastructure, jobs, clean air, clean water, and clean energy.

Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle
Tammy Morales, District 2 Seattle City Councilmember
Jessyn Farrell, Director, Office of Sustainability and Environment
Gregg Small, Executive Director, Climate Solutions
Nicole Grant, Governmental Affairs and Political Director, IBEW Local 46

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