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We Are Puget Sound: Marine animals & plastics don’t mix
We Are Puget Sound: Marine animals and plastics don’t mix

Aria Erickson is fourteen years old and lives in West Seattle. She loves marine animals and is concerned about one of the biggest threats to their health - plastic pollution. Voices like Aria's are crucial not just because young people are tomorrow's leaders. Youth perspectives like hers remind us of what we can accomplish if we empower young people, act collectively, and hold elected officials accountable.   

Credits: Produced by Washington Environmental Council, with support from Braided River. Special gratitude to James M. Lea Foundation for their gracious support of this We Are Puget Sound video series.  

Other videos in the We Are Puget Sound series:

We Are Puget Sound: Joys of experiencing Puget Sound

We Are Puget Sound: Chairman Forsman: Tribal Treaty Rights and Salmon Recovery in the Salish Sea

We Are Puget Sound: Feeding Refugees, Protecting the Sound

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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