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We Are Puget Sound: Joys of experiencing Puget Sound
We Are Puget Sound: Joys of experiencing Puget Sound

Dave Workman is a co-author of "We Are Puget Sound, Discovering and recovering the Salish Sea," a multimedia book and advocacy campaign that amplifies the voices and ideas working to protect and restore Puget Sound. Listen to first accounts of his connection that formed his love and appreciation of Puget Sound. It all started at the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Life refuge named in honor of Nisqually tribal leader and treaty rights activist Billy Frank, Jr. Learn more at www.WeArePugetSound.org.

Credits: Special gratitude to the James M. Lea Foundation for their gracious support of this We Are Puget Sound video series.

Other videos in the We Are Puget Sound series:

We Are Puget Sound: Chairman Forsman: Tribal Treaty Rights and Salmon Recovery in the Salish Sea

We Are Puget Sound: Marine animals and plastics don't mix

We Are Puget Sound: Feeding Refugees, Protecting the Sound

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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