Explore Videos

Tribal Treaty Rights & Salmon Recovery in the Salish Sea
We Are Puget Sound: Tribal Treaty Rights & Salmon Recovery in the Salish Sea

Leonard Forsman is the Chairman of the Suquamish Tribe and President of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians. In five minutes, Chairman Forsman takes us through hundreds of years of regional history, and the current critical threat to Tribal Treaty rights, including the severe threat of dwindling salmon runs throughout the northwest year after year, affecting livelihoods, ecosystems, and jeopardizing the Tribal treaties to which the United States is legally bound.

Credits: Produced by Washington Environmental Council, with support from Braided River. Special gratitude to Chairman Leonard Forsman, as well as the Suquamish Tribal Nation for their collaboration. This video was created with the gracious support of the James M. Lea Foundation.

Other videos in the We Are Puget Sound series:

We Are Puget Sound: Joys of experiencing Puget Sound

We Are Puget Sound: Marine animals and plastics don't mix

We Are Puget Sound: Feeding Refugees, Protecting the Sound

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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