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Mayor Harrell signs legislation to expand co-living housing opportunities in Seattle
Mayor Harrell Signs Legislation to Expand Co-Living Housing Opportunities in Seattle

Mayor Bruce Harrell joins State of Washington leadership and housing developers to sign new legislation that will boost the production of co-living housing opportunities Seattle. 

Also known as micro-apartments or single-room occupancy buildings, co-living housing provides residents with small, independently rented living and sleeping areas and shared kitchen spaces or other common facilities in the building. These units cost below market rate, often renting for $850 to $950 a month, creating an opportunity for more affordable housing throughout the city. 

Speakers include:

Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle

State Sen. Jesse Saloman, 32nd District

David Neiman, Neiman Taber Architects

Seattle's new stealthy neighbor, the Cooper's hawk

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