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City leaders have big plans for a small corner of the Pioneer Square neighborhood once considered a no-go area by residents and visitors. City Hall Park, with a history of homeless encampments and drug deals, is undergoing a major makeover. Food trucks, games, live music and even a park concierge are helping to revitalize the historic downtown public space. And two blocks away, the Chief Seattle Club is reclaiming the city's Native American heritage with an ambitious plan for 80 low-income apartments and a gathering place that meets its community needs. Will this new, innovative approach help combat public-safety concerns and enliven the struggling space?
Sally Bagshaw, Seattle City Council
Colleen Echohawk, Executive Director, Chief Seattle Club
Jennie Kovalcik, Communications Director, Alliance for Pioneer Square
Derrick Belgarde, Deputy Director, Chief Seattle Club
Philip Craft, Parks Concierge Supervisor
Lisa Howard, Executive Director, Alliance for Pioneer Square