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City Council 8/6/2024
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Adoption of Introduction and Referral Calendar; Approval of the Agenda; Approval of the Consent Calendar; CF 314533: Report of the City Clerk on the Certificate of Sufficiency for Initiative Measure No. 137; Res 32142: A resolution regarding Initiative 137 concerning a payroll expense tax; CB 120808: An ordinance relating to floodplains; CB120825: An ordinance relating to jail services; Adjournment.
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Public Comment - 2:28
Approval of the agenda and consent calendar - 1:39:52
CF 314533: Report of the City Clerk on the Certificate of Sufficiency for Initiative Measure No. 137 - 1:41:50
CB 120808: An ordinance relating to floodplains - 1:44:55
CB 120825: An ordinance relating to jail services - 1:48:36
CB 120825 continued following recess - 2:07:00
CB 120825 continued following recess - 2:24:24