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City Council 9/17/2024
City Council 9/17/2024

Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Public Comment; Proclamation: Olympic and Paralympic Athletes Day; Res 32142: Regarding Initiative 137; CB 120817: relating to the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption Program; CB 120835: relating to Stay Out of Drug Area (SODA) zones; CB 120836: relating to prostitution; CB 120855: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; CB 120843: relating to King County Conservation Futures Levy proceed; CB 120854: relating to Seattle Public Utilities; Res 32146: relating to the City’s participation in the State of Washington’s Clean Fuels Standard Program; Res 32144: adopting the 2024 Food Action Plan and directing the Office of Sustainability and Environment; CB 120479: relating to historic preservation; CB 120562: relating to historic preservation; CB 120480: relating to historic preservation; CB 120849: relating to historic preservation; Adjournment.

Community Stories: We Hereby Refuse: The Akutsu Family Resists

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