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Can we fix Washington's foster care system?
Town Square: Can we fix Washington's foster care system?

Washington's foster care system is in crisis as children are shunted between unsuitable temporary placements. The need for foster care is increasing, while there are fewer families willing and able to welcome foster children into their homes. How do we fix the system? What actions must we take? Where should the conversation start? An expert panel discusses the fundamental problems within Washington State's foster care system and looks at some potential solutions.  

Moderated by Town Hall Program Director and former KUOW reporter Katy Sewall, the panel of experts include:
Adam Cornell, Snohomish County Prosecutor
Representative Ruth Kagi (D-Seattle)
Dee Wilson, former Department of Social and Health Services employee
Alise Hegle, Children's Home Society of Washington
Mike Canfield, Executive Director, Foster Parents Association of Washington State
Front row guest: Jennifer Strus, Children's Administration Director

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